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Gymnastics and the Adult Most of us, when we think of gymnastics, immediately picture pre-pubescent girls dancing in leotards or flipping on a balance beam or swinging on the uneven bars. The thought of a “thirty-something” woman or man performing the same skills never crosses our minds. But gymnastics is not just for kids. When properly done, gymnastics can be a great way for adults of all ages to stay fit and stay in shape. Our gymnastics class for adults, now in its seventh year, has been living this philosophy by allowing adults of all ages to explore their balance, strength, flexibility, endurance and agility through the use of our facility and the guidance of our instructors. Though many of our students have had prior training in gymnastics, some of our students are new to the sport and enjoy seeing the world from a whole new perspective (like upside down!). This past year we’ve had more people try our class than in all previous years combined. As a result, we’ve had a greater number of students with prior competitive gymnastics experience register for the class. One off-shoot of this has been a larger number of our students participating in gymnastics competitions for adults. For example, at the San Diego Master’s meet held on May 7th, 2000, the USGTC had six competitors who all won gold medals in their respective events and age groups. Robbie Schuldt, Masako Kardos, Lynn Moore, Dean Patton, Ross Shaw and George Osorio all competed and came back with first place medals (see photo gallery for more details). Congratulations to all! On Sunday, June 11th, these same
competitors, and others, will be participating in the Gym Masters Classic to be held right here in our own gym. The competition will begin approximately at Noon. If you have never seen adults performing gymnastics, June 11 will be your best opportunity to see what the class for adults has done for these special performers. If you have some time, I urge you to drop by and cheer our adult competitors. In addition to our class and the competitions for the more accomplished students, we are developing a new fitness program centered around gymnastics and other sports. This new program is called FITNASTIKS and you can find out more about it through the internet at: Gymnastics is not the exclusive domain of the young. By making learning fun, our class for adults is a great place for adults to develop the body control that will allow them to successfully fit into their environment and enjoy a healthy life. For more information on our adult class, please contact George Osorio at (949) 559-1484 or e-mail at: Upcoming Gymnastics Events of Interest to Adults